- 我自己最好的工作都是在我无知的时候完成的。
- My own best work was done when I was most ignorant .
- 只消有一对乡下夫妇留下,那你就有可能投胎成为他们粗鄙愚昧的孩子。
- If just one hillbilly couple stayed behind , you could become their filthy , ignorant baby .
- 彼得会说,这种称呼根本无法激发起无知的平民百姓对那些实实在在的外星人的好奇心。
- That sort of thing removed the wonder of the truly alien for an ignorant populace , peter would say .
- 还有什么比这更愚蠢?
- What could be more stupid ?
- 他不是个愚蠢人,但他似乎在电视上装出愚蠢的样子。
- He isn 't a stupid man - but he seems to play one on tv .
- 里根显然是愚蠢的,且经常表现出惊人的无知但历史证明他是正确的。
- Reagan was apparently stupid and often startlingly ignorant but he was vindicated by history .
- 君应怪我留连久,我欲与君辞别难。
- You should chide me for lingering , for I should take my farewell .
- 它们期待的是血,是骨头,是软骨,是筋,它们嚼了又嚼,然而词汇是无味的树胶,树胶是无法消化的。
- They expected blood , bones , gristle , sinews . They chew and chew , but the words are chide and chicle is indigestible .
- 我们必须吸取历史的教训,重视并处理好农民问题,这是事关全局的大问题。
- We must assimilate history chide and should attach important to peasant problem and deal with it fairly in reforming and opening . It is a large problem which is relevant to the overall situation .
- 德保罗说,男人会为了抬高自己或为了掩盖真相而撒谎。
- Men lie to build themselves up or to conceal something , depaulo says .
- 许多人选择在网络世界隐藏或改变自己的身份。
- Many people choose to conceal or alter their identity online .
- 但是色情电影的观众可以隐藏他/她的色情享乐。
- But the porn viewer can conceal his / her enjoyment of pornography .