- 春节这个节日到处充满了喜气,人们看不到的是角落里那些孤寂。
- Spring festival , this festival is full of festivity everywhere , people do not see is that those lonely corner ......
- 一年四季,时时有景:春天遍地野花,夏天山青海阔,秋天满山红叶,冬天白雪皑皑,四季多变的景色让人眼花缭乱。
- Throughout the year , has the scenery at times : everywhere the wild flower , the summer tianshan qinghai is spring extravagant , the rhododendron leaf , is autumn snow gleams white in the winter , the four seasons changeable scenery is dazzling .
- 你喜欢s型还是m型的女孩?
- Do you prefer s - or m-sized women ?
- 索尼公司希望能够利用tablets改变人们的这种认知。
- The company is hoping the tablet s changes that perception .
- 使用s笔进行简单的书写和画图都很容易。
- Using the s pen for simple handwriting or sketching was easy .
- 在可视光下,sh2-235星云看上去像一朵很小琥珀色的云。
- Seen in visible light , the nebula known as sh 2-235 looks like a small , amber cloud .
- 萨哈:但是你认为作为科学家,他有资格相信吗?
- Sh : but you believe he 's entitled to believe it as a scientist ?
- 萨哈:它们确实贬低了他以科学教育人的责任。
- Sh : they do detract from his responsible education of people on science .