- 个人认为大蛇还是吃死的不容易的口腔炎!
- Personally think that the serpent is not easy to eat stomatitis dead !
- 补救法:午餐前半小时吃些水果开胃,饭后喝点酸奶促进消化,对吃完午餐就坐在电脑前不再活动,容易消化不良或脂肪积累的上班族来说,非常有益。
- Remedy law : half an hour before lunch , eat fruit and appetizers , yogurt drink after a meal to promote digestion , right after lunch on the activities of sitting in front of a computer is no longer easy to indigestion or fat accumulation office workers , very helpful .
- 彻底解决宠物啃墙壁、吃泥巴、吞异物、乱咬家具;毛质疏松枯燥易脱、反应迟钝烦躁易怒、软骨病及发育不良等问题;全面提升爱宠免疫力。
- Resolve a pet gnawing a wall , eat a mud , swallow dead person , bite furniture arbitrarily completely ; hair quality loosens problem such as monotonous anger , chondropathy and maldevelopment easy to come off , be slow in reacting easy to be fidgety ; all-round lifting love bestows favor on immunity .