- 彗发还伸出一个短而粗的尘埃尾。
- The coma also sports a short , stubby , dust tail .
- 为了不让他因为疼痛而休克,医生们不得不把他诱导之昏迷状态。
- Doctors had to put mr kashin into an induced coma to avoid a pain shock .
- 50岁的杰克逊,因心脏骤停,被送往医院已处于昏迷状态。
- Jackson , 50 , went into cardiac arrest and was rushed to hospital in a coma .
- 他描述自己是活在一种“恍惚”之中。
- He describes himself as living in a " stupor . "
- 体温过低的很多症状都与醉酒麻木症状相似:困倦,身体沉重,头脑不清,甚至说胡话。
- Many of the symptoms of hypothermia resemble those of a drunken stupor : sleepiness , clumsiness , confusion and even slurred speech .
- 尽管到处闲逛,什么都不做可能会保证你不死于与压力相关的健康问题,过度休息和放松这件事情也不是什么好事没有目标和老板的折磨,身体和意识会放松到麻木,逐渐停止工作。
- While lounging around and doing nothing probably ensures you won 't die from stress-related health problems , there is such a thing as too much rest and relaxation -- without goals or bosses to torment you , your body and mind lull into a stupor and slowly shut themselves down .
- 大多数学生在英语考试中成绩很好。
- Most of the students got on well in die english exanimation .