- 国家的刑事政策与自由、平等、法治等宪政理念紧密相连,其目的在于个人自由之保护,而不是警察国家模式所追求的刑事政策的惩罚性。
- Criminal policy is connected with liberty , equality and rule by law , the purpose of which is to guarantee in dividual liberty , not to pursue punishment in model of police state .
- 承兑人或者付款人因违法被责令终止业务活动的,有关行政主管部门的处罚决定具有拒绝证明的效力。
- Where an acceptor or a drawee is ordered to stop business activities for violation of law , the decision on punishment made by a competent administrative department shall have the effect as proof of dishonor .
- 回函内容不实的,必须按照函调的各环节,对有关单位及每一个签字人员从严追究责任;内外勾结、触犯刑法的,要移送司法机关处理。
- If the contents of the reply letter are untrue , the relevant entity and each signatory must be subject to severe liabilities on the basis of each stage of the letter-based investigation , any insider who colludes with any outsider and breaks the criminal law shall be transferred to the judicial organ for punishment .