- 高价格诚意回收;多种新旧感光鼓打印机墨水盒;旧计算机;影印打印机;公司积压旧货;专业诚意回收;持久有效。
- High price reclaims all sorts of new old selenium rouse ; major of ; of secondhand goods of keep long in stock of company of ; of printer of ; of old computer of ink box ; reclaims ; is agelong and effective .
- 另一件怪事是垃圾债券。
- Another oddity is in junk bonds .
- 他们是一种类固醇的垃圾食品。
- Consider them junk food on steroids .
- 用这类垃圾食品的替代品代替。
- Try these junk food substitutes instead .