- 没吃没喝在街上流浪了三天在路上不停的走晚上就睡公园里。
- No money , no friend in the aline land , nothing to drink , nothing to eat , wander about for three days on the street , slept in the park at night .
- 当他来到壁橱的时候,他发现精灵把酒藏起来了,里面没什么可喝的了。
- When he went to the cupboard , he discovered that the elves had hidden the liquor and there was nothing to drink .
- 当他来到壁橱的时候,他发现精灵把酒藏起来了,里面没什么可喝的了。
- When he went to the cupboard , he discovered that the elves had hidden the liquor and there was nothing to drink .