- 被月亮挡住的日全食,显示出越过太阳边缘的太阳耀斑和日珥,以及日冕。
- A total solar eclipse , showing solar flares and prominences past the limb of the sun , which is blocked by the moon , and the solar corona .
- 周日发生在复活节上的日全食,照片中太阳似乎蹙起了眉头,变成了一弯新月。
- The sun seems to create a frown in the sky over easter island as just a small crescent of light remains visible during sunday 's total solar eclipse .
- 日全食时,月球从太阳前穿过,月球距离地球太远且体积小,所以在天空中完全遮住太阳。
- As in a total solar eclipse , the moon crosses in front of the sun , but the moon is too far from earth and appears too small in the sky to blot out the sun completely .