- 政府的公共政策,很难在通盘考量中不受日渐壮大起来的所谓利益集团影响。
- Public policy of the government , think very hard in all-around in do not suffer expand with each passing day the influence of alleged interest group that rise .
- 随着财务结构的复杂性和商业竞争激烈性的与日俱增,舞弊行为变得越来越难以发现。
- With the complicacy of financial construction and intension of commercial competition growing with each passing day , it is becoming more difficulty to detect fraud .
- 可假如这烦恼丝日渐稀少,你的烦恼恐怕就要与日俱增了。
- But if this is vexed silk is exiguous with each passing day , your trouble is afraid be about to grow day and day .