- “新月抱着亏月”只不过是月亮上处于夜晚的那一面被地球光所照亮。
- " The old moon in the new moon 's arms " is nothing but that part of the moon 's surface on which it is night , lighted up by earthlight .
- 转基因生物也不是新鲜事,在不同的物种之间进行基因交换和生命本身一样古老。
- Transgenic organisms are nothing new either : the swapping of genes between separate species is as old as life itself .
- 如果我们相信这样的表达“天底下没有全新的东西”,那么创造力就是以新方式重做或重组旧事物。
- If we believe the expression , " there is nothing new under the sun , " creativity is remaking or recombining the old in new ways .