- 父亲是一名电工,我三岁的时候,他在一次事故中殉职。
- My dad was an electrician , and he died in an accident on the job when I was three .
- 1997年,以色列工程师高飞博士遇到一起事故,让他半身不遂。
- In 1997 dr goffer , an israeli engineer , suffered an accident that left him partially paralysed .
- 皇家海军“不懈”号上月因事故后的调查上了报纸头条,潜艇深潜在阿拉斯加北部的北极冰层下时,艇上的氧气发生器发生爆炸而导致两名艇员丧身。
- Hms tireless hit the headlines last month after an inquest was held into an accident on board , which killed two of the crew when an oxygen generator exploded while the submarine was under the arctic ice , north of alaska .