- 几名市政工人身着全套纳粹服装,其中一人还扮上阿道夫.希特勒的标志小胡子,开着插着纳粹标志旗的吉普车穿过中央大街,乏味地提醒人们德国在二战期间占领雅典的事实。
- Several municipal workers in full nazi uniform , one of them with an adolf hitler moustache , drove a jeep flying swastika flags through a central boulevard as a tasteless reminder of the german occupation of athens in the second world war .
- 症状:啤酒无味,你的t恤前面湿透了
- Symptom : beer tasteless , front of your shirt is wet .
- 一天前,普京自己的“副驾”,俄罗斯总统梅德韦杰夫评论道,从人们的痛苦中捞取政治资金,这很庸俗乏味。
- A day earlier , mr putin 's own co-pilot , dmitry medvedev , russia 's president , had remarked that it was tasteless to make political capital out of people 's grief .
- 科学家们说,禁止生猪阉割会让具有常见基因结构的人感到有些猪肉很难吃。
- The scientists say ending pig castration could thus make some pork unpalatable to people with the common genes construct .
- 但是在旱季他们不得不搜寻整座森林,抓铺昆虫、蛇和难吃的植物果裹。
- But in the dry season they are forced to scour the forest for insects , snails and unpalatable plants .
- 奥巴马基本上已经放弃他在2008年选战中给人希望的信息,转而相信他必须把罗姆尼描绘成一个讨厌的替代人选才能获胜。
- Mr. obama largely jettisoned the hopeful message of his 2008 campaign , convinced that to win he needed to paint mr. romney as an unpalatable alternative .
- 你能感觉到有多枯燥和乏味吗?
- How dull and boring can you get ?
- 欧洲的大选传统上是沉闷的。
- European elections are traditionally dull affairs .
- 总得有人来确保完成那些枯燥但必需的工作。
- Someone has to ensure that dull but necessary tasks are done .