- 他们的满足感来自于车子无与伦比的美感和它卓越的性能;这些元素也表现出了他们的个性特点。
- Their satisfaction comes from the car 's incomparable aesthetics and superior engineering ; and that these elements are an expression of their own personal characteristics .
- 存在着三样不一样的事情:演说,我现在就在演说;写作,让我获得这个无与伦比的奖项,不管我是否名副其实;以及做人,做一个团结他人、积极进取的人。
- These are three different things : speaking , what I am doing now ; writing , what gives me whatever claim I have to this incomparable prize , and being , being a person who believes in active solidarity with others .
- 只专于肖像的壁画给予它无与伦比的美丽。
- The murals that concentrate only on icons give an incomparable beauty to it .