- 根据传统,由贝琪罗斯女士缝制第一面旗帜。
- According to tradition , betsy ross sewed the first flag .
- 示威者们还在国会大厦的草坪上举起了巨大的彩虹旗。
- Demonstrators carried a rainbow flag on the lawn of the capitol .
- 那黑色长发像一面死亡之旗顺在我的身边。
- The long black hair lay beside me like a flag of death .
- 雅虎作为回报则将成为两家公司横幅标语广告的销售团队。
- Yahoo in turn will become the sales team for banner advertising for both companies .
- 2011年12月这个旅获得了一面崭新的旗帜,它被庄严地挂在木质旗杆上。
- In december 2011 the brigade got a new banner that was solemnly attached to the wood .
- 店外挂着一个祝印度队好运的横幅。
- Outside the shop a banner wishes the india team good luck .
- 灰白色的马最合适,因为容易突出颜色。
- Greys are best because the colours show up more clearly .
- 从样品审核到色彩选择都是柳井一手决定。
- He controls all decisions , down to approving samples and colours .
- 这一要求为是否对朝鲜进行食品援助的争论增添了色彩。
- That demand colours the debate over whether north korea should be granted food aid .
- 奥巴马的立场在那里?
- Where does senator obama stand ?
- 美国应当更坚持于自己的立场。
- America needs to stand firmer .
- 这一立场已经激怒了金先生。
- The stand has infuriated mr kim .