- 根据传统,由贝琪罗斯女士缝制第一面旗帜。
- According to tradition , betsy ross sewed the first flag .
- 示威者们还在国会大厦的草坪上举起了巨大的彩虹旗。
- Demonstrators carried a rainbow flag on the lawn of the capitol .
- 那黑色长发像一面死亡之旗顺在我的身边。
- The long black hair lay beside me like a flag of death .
- 雅虎作为回报则将成为两家公司横幅标语广告的销售团队。
- Yahoo in turn will become the sales team for banner advertising for both companies .
- 2011年12月这个旅获得了一面崭新的旗帜,它被庄严地挂在木质旗杆上。
- In december 2011 the brigade got a new banner that was solemnly attached to the wood .
- 店外挂着一个祝印度队好运的横幅。
- Outside the shop a banner wishes the india team good luck .
- 这种转变还促使英国球员前往海外效力,彭南特被利物浦放行后多家俱乐部对他有意,但他很快就选择加盟西甲的萨拉戈萨,许多人认为原因之一就是西班牙优惠的税收制度。
- The shift also favours english players moving abroad , with the advantageous tax regime widely believed to have been a factor in jermaine pennant 's decision to choose real zaragoza , in spain , in the wake of plenty of interest after being released by liverpool .
- 上面的黄红相间的信号旗表示战斗准备就绪。
- The upper yellow and red pennant means combat readiness .
- 他认为,如果像杰梅因彭南特投奔萨拉戈萨的转会能成为一种常态,那就是英超首席执行官里卡德斯库达摩尔开始担心的时候了。
- In his view , if transfers like jermaine pennant 's move to real zaragoza become the norm , that 's when richard scudamore , the premier league chief executive , should start to worry .
- 制定统一的资本标准。
- Get a common capital standard .
- 按照标准的格式撰写脚本。
- Write in standard script format .
- 难以阻挡的技术进步和丰富的天然资源让生活水平更高。
- Inevitable technological progress and abundant natural resources yield a higher standard of living .