- 我们能给予他们什么?
- What should we give them ?
- 我来给出两个简短的原因。
- I 'll give you two quick reasons .
- 为什么给人们派发碘片?
- Why give people iodine tablets ?
- 那我该申请哪所学校呢?
- Which university should I apply to ?
- 合理的应用会带来最好的效果。
- Apply it properly for best results .
- 保罗建议我去申请。
- And paul suggested I apply .
- 这种冒险的大概纲领非常简单:“一位英雄从日常世界进入超自然世界,获得种种难以置信的神奇力量,赢得一场至关重要的胜利,英雄从神秘的冒险中归来,用他的能力广施恩泽于众人。”
- The adventure 's outline was simple : " a hero ventures forth from the world of common day into a region of supernatural wonder : fabulous forces are there encountered and a decisive victory is won : the hero comes back from this mysterious adventure with the power to bestow boons on his fellow man . "
- 我恭敬地希望您在优雅地颁发新年荣誉的时候,会把这点记在心里。
- I respectfully hope you will bear that in mind when you graciously bestow your new year honours .
- 他们似乎不明白,“例外”是一个只有别人能够赐予,而自己不能妄称的形容词。
- They don 't seem to understand that you can 't declare yourself " exceptional , " only others can bestow that adjective upon you .
- 施耐德坚称,自上世纪90年代初以来就一直在应用存在争议的断路器中的技术,而正泰是在1999年申请的专利。
- Schneider maintains that it has been using the technology in the disputed circuit breakers since the early 1990s , before chint 's patent applications in 1999 .
- 去年12月,15岁的模特juliaschneider赢得了上海精英模特大赛。
- In december 15-year-old julia schneider won the elite model look contest in shanghai .
- 施奈德:坚持从有信誉的销售渠道购买高质量的邮票。
- Mr. schneider : always buy quality stamps from reputable sources .