- 我当时是他的副手。
- I was then his no.2 .
- 当时整个剧场近乎疯狂。
- Then the theatre went wild .
- 接着是他的病情报告。
- Then came the medical bulletin .
- 你还会回比雷埃夫斯吗?
- You will come back to piraeus sometime ?
- 比雷埃夫斯港是希腊最大的港口,距雅典只有六英里。
- Piraeus is greece 's largest port just six miles from athens .
- 把我带回比雷埃夫斯.我想要睡觉了.
- Bring me back to piraeus . L want to go to sleep .
- 我的副驾驶员,行政管家,我很快就意识到,我们并没有看到类似事情我们知道,我们的发现报告给兰斯交通管制。
- My co-pilot , chief steward and I quickly realized that what we were seeing did not resemble anything known to us , and we reported our sighting to reims traffic control .
- 同一天,即5月5日,新任德国海军总司令汉斯冯弗雷德堡海军上将来到设在莱姆斯的艾森豪威尔的司令部接洽投降。
- On that day , may5 , admiral hans yon friedeburg , the new commander in chief of the german navy , arrived at general eisenhower 's headquarters at reims to negotiate a surrender .
- 带您去兰斯的圣坛。
- Will lead you to the altar at reims .