- 干细胞必须到达骨折所在的位置、增殖并在适当的时候分化成成骨细胞。
- Stem cells must reach the site of the fracture , proliferate and turn into osteoblasts at the right moment .
- 建立在不信任基础上的关系在困难的时刻必定会破裂。
- A relationship built on distrust was bound to fracture in hard times .
- 戈马的失败不仅是一个大范围的震惊,还是一个象征意义上的破裂。
- The loss of goma was a massive shock and a symbolic fracture .
- 目前只有他一个候选人敢于宣称在经历了这么多年的萧条后,法国需要与自己的过去“决裂”。
- Yet he is the only candidate brave enough to advocate the " rupture " with its past that france needs after so many gloomy years .
- 在强脑压下,这一疵点开始破裂并引发出血或溢血。
- Under stress , those weak spots can rupture and lead to hemorrhaging , or bleeding .
- 他们所需要的最后一件事就是另一个公开的决裂当他们试图通过花言巧语哄骗奥巴马将他们的忧虑比他们的前任更具同情心。
- Another public rupture is the last thing they need as they try to coax barack obama into addressing their concerns more sympathetically than his often heedless predecessor .
- 也许我需要休息一会。
- Maybe I needed a break .
- 临床医学家建议他稍事休息。
- A therapist suggested a break .
- 每半个小时休息一次!
- Take a break every half an hour !
- 如果警方能沿嫌犯的路径重走一遍,就有可能破解案件。
- If the cops can retrace the suspect 's path , they can potentially crack the case .
- 研究人员发明了一种更坚固的钢材,不会在低温下出现裂缝或断裂。
- Researchers have created a tougher form of steel that will not splinter or crack at low temperatures .
- 还有一种可能就是,地基墙有裂缝,水才渗了进来。
- Another possibility is that the foundation wall has a crack that 's allowing water to penetrate .