- 点常常用作一种抑制机制。
- A dot is frequently an inhibitive mechanism .
- 150座庙宇、佛塔和寺院点缀在风景如画的湖水、稻田和青山之间。
- More than 150 temples , pagodas and monasteries dot an idyllic landscape of lakes , rice paddy and wooded hills .
- 每一部分都由一根下划线隔开,而不是点。
- Every piece is separated by an underscore instead of a dot .
- 随后手术去除了那个点样病灶。
- Surgeons later removed that spot .
- 而且,现货价格容易波动。
- Spot prices are also volatile .
- 挑战在于如何发现这些机会。
- The challenge is to spot them .
- 身着便衣的治安人员,散布在德拉市主要商业广场的各个角落,一座拥有350000人口,靠近约旦边境的叙利亚小镇。
- Security men , most in plain clothes , speckle the main marketsquareofderaa , a town of 350000 nearsyria 's border withjordan .
- 通过检测斑点的变化就可以绘制出物体表面的纹理图。
- By detecting the change in this speckle , it is possible to chart the texture of the surface .
- 这种散斑来源于光散射效应在物体表面产生的微米大小的隆起和沟痕。
- The speckle is a scattering of light caused by micron-sized ridges and groves on an object 's surface .
- 她在窗玻璃上擦拭的是罪之污点。
- What she rubs on the window is the stain of sin .
- 对于任何污渍,都一定要尽快处理。
- Always treat any stain as soon as you can .
- 轻轻地将啤酒搓擦进布料,这样污渍就会消失。
- Rub the beer lightly into the material , and the stain should disappear .