- 店员拿了钉子给他。
- The clerk brought him nails .
- 这位小摊贩曾是一名政府职员。
- She was once a government clerk .
- 他成了一个小职员。
- He became a minor clerk .
- 在我所遇到各种类型的售货员中,跑步用品商店的店员最为真诚直率。
- Of all types of sales people I have ever met , running store clerks have been the most honest and straight forward individuals .
- 随着经济逐渐复苏,一些美国大公司正加快招聘步伐,登出了数千个空缺职位的招聘广告,涵盖了从零售店员、护士、银行出纳到云计算专家的范围。
- As the economy gradually recovers , some big u.s. companies are cranking up their recruiting and advertising thousands of job openings , ranging from retail clerks and nurses to bank tellers and experts in cloud computing .
- 这是五名店员最近学到的一课。
- That 's the lesson five store clerks learned recently .