- 当霍乱发生的时候,整个城市供水中断,提现受到限制,而现在国家的安保人员又开始毫无纪律可言。
- The cutting off of the city 's water when there 's a cholera outbreak , the cash withdrawal limit and now the security forces becoming undisciplined .
- 他表示,7月21日欧元区领导人就扩大救助资金、增大其灵活性达成的方案是“不彻底的”,市场对政府就该方案进行的“散漫沟通”作出了负面反应。
- He suggested that proposals agreed to on july 21 by euro-zone leaders to expand the rescue fund and increase its flexibility were ' incomplete , ' and that markets had reacted adversely to the ' undisciplined communication ' from governments about the plan .
- 譬如说,他们给我们描述了一支无组织、准备不足、缺乏纪律的反政府武装。
- They tell us , for example , of a rebel army that is disorganised , ill-prepared for combat , undisciplined .