- 化疗药物好像一把猎枪。
- Chemotherapy drugs are like a shotgun .
- 万斯说,在嫌犯开到学校的车中,还发现了一把猎枪。
- A shotgun was recovered in a car the gunman used to drive to the school , he said .
- 它的外形好似一枚猎枪子弹,不锈钢刀刃长1.5英寸,闭合后的长度只有2.5英寸。
- Shaped like a shotgun cartridge it has a 1.5 inch stainless steel blade and a closed length of 2.5 inches .
- 动物世界在改进自我的道路上是漫无目的的。
- The animal kingdom merely takes a scattershot approach to improving its species .
- 达恩顿自己也承认,这些文章是“漫无目的的开火”。
- As darnton confesses , these pieces were " fired off , scattershot " .
- 与其单个地搜寻顾客或漫无目标地打广告,这种法子将使你一举挺进目标顾客群,从而一鸣惊人。
- Instead of beating the bushes for customers with individual referrals or scattershot ads , you can tap into a targeted group of consumersen masseto jumpstart sales .