- 一月份一个塔利班三人小队炸穿了市里的一座豪华旅馆的大厅和温泉浴场,杀掉了8个工作人员和旅客。
- In january a three-man taliban suicide squad blasted its way into the lobby and spa of a luxury hotel in the city , killing eight staff and guests .
- 神风敢死队是一个特殊的攻击部队。
- A kamikaze suicide squad was a special attack corps .
- 一月份一个塔利班三人小队炸穿了市里的一座豪华旅馆的大厅和温泉浴场,杀掉了8个工作人员和旅客。
- In january a three-man taliban suicide squad blasted its way into the lobby and spa of a luxury hotel in the city , killing eight staff and guests .
- 而这两次征伐中,忽必烈的舰队都被日本人称为”神风“的大风吹散了。
- And twice his navy was scattered by what the japanese called their kamikaze , or " divine wind " .
- 他最大的成就包括神风战斗机盗窃事件以及三架飞机的紧急着陆(此前未接受过飞行培训),以及盗取几艘快艇。
- Some of his greatest achievements include the kamikaze theft and crash landing of three airplanes ( with no flight training ) as well as commandeering a couple boats .
- 那是一次有去无回的自杀性使命。
- It was a kamikaze mission .