- 一日复一日,又一篇文章,来让我们看看为什么《敢死队》的队员们让他们的生猛头衔名副其实吧。
- Another day , another article on why we think the cast of the expendables deserves their badass cred .
- 一日复一日,又一篇文章,来让我们看看为什么《敢死队》的队员们让他们的生猛头衔名副其实吧。
- Another day , another article on why we think the cast of the expendables deserves their badass cred .
- 聚了史泰龙(sylvesterstallone)等众多大牌动作明星的电影《敢死队》(theexpendables)连续第二周登顶周末票房冠军。
- ' The expendables , ' a movie starring a host of familiar action stars including sylvester stallone , topped the weekend box office for the second straight week .