- 他的教鞭随着他讲话微微摇摆。
- His pointer vibrates slightly as he talks .
- 这和最后的暗示有关。
- This is related to the last pointer .
- 他们在地面上摆了一个本拉登院子的三维模型并用一个红色激光指示器标示着他们进入的行动。
- They had set up a three-dimensional model of bin laden 's compound on the floor and , waving a red laser pointer , traced their maneuvers inside .
- 戒尺用于皈依、剃度、传戒、说法等场合。
- The ferule is used for conversion , tonsure , ordination and parlance .
- 老师用戒方敲着桌子喊着让同学们安静。
- The teacher strikes the table with his ferule to quiet the students .
- 托马斯索亚,这可是我听到的最叫人吃惊的坦白交待了。你犯了这样大的错误,光用戒尺不能解决问题。把上衣脱掉!
- Thomas sawyer , this is the most astounding confession I have ever listened to . No mere ferule will answer for this offence . Take off your jacket .