- 眼泪是强迫繁殖的工具吗?
- Tears as a captive breeding tool ?
- 对坂本博士来说,在抗病性鱼类育种方面,这个认识为他提供了宝贵的先机。
- And that gives dr sakamoto an invaluable head-start when it comes to breeding disease-resistant fish .
- 1975年它们从斯堪的纳维亚被重新引入到苏格兰,现在那里有42处育种区。
- It was reintroduced to scotland from scandinavia in 1975 and there are now 42 breeding territories there .
- 欢迎进入管理教学的未来式。
- Welcome to the future of management education .
- 你的老师拥有何等学历和教学经验?
- What education and experience do your teachers have ?
- 讲课是一种过时的教学方式。
- The lecture is an old form of education .
- 鲁比尼表示自己接受的是培养“真正国际经济学家”的教育。
- He describes his upbringing as that of " a true international economist " .
- 这样的培养方法自然就要求父母付出大量时间和金钱,而只有那些条件最好的家庭才能负担得起。
- Such upbringing naturally requires a great deal of time and money , which only the most well-positioned families can afford .
- 事实上moffitt博士已经可以用新西兰组的调查结果来证明一个粗暴的家庭培养环境和其他不同构型的神经学上重要的基因是如何相互作用从而培育出不同粗暴的人。
- Indeed , dr moffitt has already used the new zealand group to show how a violent family upbringing and different versions of another neurologically important gene interact to produce more and less violent people .