- 这种效果好似有益的。
- The overall effect is beneficial .
- 此举的效果令人惊叹。
- The effect has been dramatic .
- 这就带来一种裂化效应。
- This has a fragmenting effect .
- 任人唯亲将不可避免地破坏效率。
- Cronyism will inevitably undermine efficiency .
- 但任何缩减目标都必须通过解雇职员和效能节约才能实现。
- Any savings target will have to be met through staff cuts and efficiency savings .
- 真正的效率来源于专注。
- True efficiency comes from specificity .
- 有两种类型的绝望可以导致束缚。
- Two forms of hopelessness can result from captivity .
- 这些运动实际上导致了一场民间的战争。
- The campaigns result effectively in a civil war .
- ward说,灾害将导致食品价格上涨。
- Ward said higher food prices would result .
- 其结果是使得众多强大和重要的文化遭受创伤。
- The effects traumatized many powerful and important cultures .
- 有关这一激素的行为结果的文学描述可谓浩如烟海。
- The literature on this hormone 's behavioural effects is vast .
- 但这些补贴的效果却适得其反。
- These subsidies are having perverse effects .
- 他的重点在于苹果预见到了它的所有产品会因它们之间不断增长的协同作用而大卖。
- His point is that apple foresees growth in all of its products as the synergy between them grows .
- 他还发现食物有协同作用,换言之,食物组合会增强抗血管生成。
- He also found there is food synergy , inother words , combining foods enhance anti-angiogenesis .
- 然而,这两个问题之间,确有一个虽然微妙但却存在的协同作用。
- Yet there is a synergy , though a subtler one , between the two issues .