- 事实证明,松散的协议不足以阻止鲁莽的行为。
- Loose agreements have not proved strong enough to stop reckless behaviour .
- 很多业内人士承认小额信贷的疯狂发展刺激公司把钱轻率地借给穷人。
- Many in the industry admit that runaway growth spurred reckless lending to poor indians .
- 疾病之二是银行正面临的持续困难这是轻率借贷和糟糕投资判断的后果。
- Another ill is the continuing difficulty faced by banks as a consequence of reckless lending and poor investment judgment .
- 在新加坡,半个世纪以来,人民行动党都处于绝对的主导地位。
- The people 's action party , or pap , has enjoyed almost untrammeled dominance of politics in singapore for half a century .
- 他开始厌恶占上风,厌恶不受羁绊的自由。
- He began to have a new horror of winning , of the victories of untrammeled autonomy .
- 该法案也令电子游戏行业产生分裂:其同业公会给与支持,而许多依赖自由的互联网环境生存的小型游戏公司则表示反对。
- The issue split the video game industry : its trade association supported the measure , while many small companies , dependent on untrammeled internet access , opposed it .