- 很多美国人都相信大萧条反映了建构在自由放任的市场、肆无忌惮的竞争、投机、财产权和追求利润之上的旧的经济秩序的崩溃。
- Many americans are convinced that the great depression reflected the breakdown of an old economic order built on unhampered markets , unbridled competition , speculation , property rights , and the profit motive .
- 癌症的剖析图不再是无定形的肆无忌惮且正在入侵的肉块,而是为分子疗法提供切入点或把脱离常轨的细胞开关隔断或重置的癌症dna的复杂脚手架。
- No longer is the topography of cancer formless flesh , unbridled and invading , but a complex scaffold of cancer dna that affords binding sites for molecular therapies to block or reset aberrant cellular switches .
- 工党现在称资深的英国工人阶级镜报读者为“有抱负的大众”,工党的投诉者害怕“有抱负的大众”的灵魂可能很快就会被恣意的默多克资本主义的宣传束缚。
- The labour complainers fear that the souls of " ordinary aspiring people " , as they now call the old mirror-reading british working class , may soon be in thrall to the propaganda of unbridled murdochian capitalism .
- 这样做有点像万圣节小孩讨糖果,但这是成年人肆无忌惮的破坏活动。
- It 's a bit like trick-or-treating -- but for grown-ups and featuring wanton destruction .
- 但是我们需要复活那种把我们带到这里的异花授粉的放荡,来开始下一波机会。
- But to start the next wave of opportunities , we need to revive the kind of wanton cross-pollination that got us this far .
- 那么,是什么引发了如此肆无忌惮的破坏行为呢?
- So what touched off such wanton destruction ?