- 这个恩惠,我会向你表明的。
- This kindness will I show .
- 有些表现了很强的基因影响。
- Some show strong genetic influence .
- 评估表明了什么问题?
- What did the evaluations show ?
- 机密三:为紫色项目招兵买马
- Recruiting for the " purple project "
- 2.要求在项目完成前获得部分款项
- Get a portion paid before the project is finished
- 每个项目大约会持续三到六个月。
- Each project lasted about three to six months .
- 每个细胞都包含几十个基因,它们约束其健康生长和繁殖。
- Each cell contain dozens of genes that regulate its healthy growth and reproduction .
- 辅助生殖在非自然的实验环境中包含了许多处理。
- Assisted reproduction involves many manipulations in an unnatural lab environment .
- 这一发现对人类生殖学之外的领域同样具有意义。
- The discovery has implications for research in fields other than human reproduction .
- 血栓形成筛选实验阴性。
- Thrombophilia screening tests were negative .
- 癌症筛查显示的结果有哪些?
- What can breast screening show ?
- 对“软技能”进行正确的筛选是非常重要的。
- Screening for the right soft skills is critical .
- 我只花了一天时间看房,先去浮山后看了几个阁楼。
- I only spent a day showings , go read a few post-fushan attic .
- 拥有新面目的放映空间现在更大了。
- Space for showings is much bigger now with the new look .
- 大量家庭十一长途出游,势必分流黄金周看房客源。
- Eleven long-distance travel a large number of households is bound to divert golden week tourists showings .