- 当时我的椅子背靠着治安官办公室的墙,我正望着窗外的星星,琢磨着是不是该下班去睡觉,还是继续听卡默伦骂个不停,他正在第127次核对他在税单上填写的一栏栏数字。
- My chair was backed up against the wall in the sheriff 's office and I was looking at the stars through the windows and wondering if I ought to knock off and hit the sack or keep on listening to cameron curse real steady as he went o
- 毕竟每天要起得很早,而且在大多数日子里我会收工很晚。
- After all the starts will be early and I will knock off late most days .
- 很快地写出一本又一本的书。
- Knock off one book after another .