- 手机辐射能保护记忆吗?
- Could cell phone radiation protect memory ?
- 你们准备好应对辐射了吗?
- Are you prepared against radiation ?
- 但总统显然需要一段时间康复,之后可能还需进行放射治疗。
- But clearly he faces a period of convalescence , possibly followed by radiation therapy .
- 数据包括通过窄带氢α滤光镜拍摄的长曝光照片,描绘出氢原子发射的踪迹。
- The data include long exposures through a narrow hydrogen alpha filter that trace emission from atomic hydrogen .
- 也许不是,但那儿能看见两个明亮的发射星云昵称心与灵的发射星云。
- Possibly not , but that is where two bright emission nebulas nicknamed heart and soul can be found .
- 说明:在发射星云ic1805的中心区域,宇宙云气似乎形成了奇特的形状。
- Explanation : cosmic clouds seem to form fantastic shapes in the central regions of emission nebula ic 1805 .
- 她的眼中、微笑中和笑声中要能够放射出自己的自信和人格。
- She should radiate her confidence and soul through her eyes , smile , and laughter .
- 科技的发展就如海胆:能力像长长的脊椎一样向特定需求呈放射状。
- It grows like a sea urchin : long spines of ability radiate out towards specific needs and desires .
- 而经济崩溃产生的一系列连锁反应继续辐射着全球市场一步步导致全球金融危机的那些不当财政政策的影响已经被不断放大。
- Poor fiscal policy choices made leading up to the global financial crisis have been magnified as the ripple effects of the meltdown continue to radiate through markets around the world .
- 其中一些发出的声音(通常是白噪音或者是变异体)是为了掩盖分心所用的噪音。
- Some of them emit sounds ( usually white noise or a variant ) in an effort to mask distracting noises .
- nist的科学家们用激光器每秒发射约十亿次脉冲。
- Nist scientists use lasers that emit about 1 billion pulses per second .
- 当这些电子被大气中的分子所偏转时,它们会发射出伽玛射线。
- When these electrons are deflected by molecules in the atmosphere , they emit gamma rays .