- 历史上的帝国都喜欢收集战利品。
- Empires like to collect booty .
- 我的嗜好是收集邮票。
- I collect stamps as a hobby .
- 现在他们为班上的同学收集食物。
- Now they collect it for their classmates .
- 其他人则将聚集在祖科蒂公园。
- Others will gather in zuccotti park .
- 利用每个机会去收集顾客反馈。
- Gather customer feedback at every opportunity .
- 犯人们聚集在加利福尼亚州的骡河州立监狱。
- Prisoners gather at the mule creek state prison in california .
- 年龄决定了这些即将20岁的新入伍战士更加容易受到伤害。
- Age predicts an even more vulnerable cohort of soldiers , those who enlist in their late 20s .
- 九步计划中的第八步是获得团队的支持。
- Step eight in the nine-step plan is to enlist a team for support .
- 获得一些帮助要向什么人咨询适合孩子年龄的语言呢?一个理想的人选是孩子的老师。
- Enlist some help - an ideal person to ask about age-appropriate language is your child 's teacher .