- 由于缺少足够的年轻男人,俄罗斯军队不得不减少征兵数量。
- The russian army has had to tighten up conscription because there are not enough young men around .
- 臀大肌用力向里向上收紧。
- Gluteus maximus forced to tighten up .
- 放贷者会加强信用管理,这导致经济进一步紧缩。
- The lenders tighten up on credit , further squeezing the economy .
- 收紧钳制可能会适得其反。
- Tightening the vise could backfire .
- 它提倡在全球范围收紧货币和财政政策。
- It argues for monetary and fiscal tightening across the globe .
- 这种加紧咖特控制的措施应该对反对毒品的托利党和索马里选民都有个交代。
- Tightening up in this way should please anti-drug tories and somali voters too .