- 现在,自由女神像又要被关闭了。
- Now the statue is closing again .
- 此举恰逢通用汽车在全美各地关闭其他工厂之际。
- The move comes as gm is closing other plants around the country .
- 2009年初,日本股市收盘跌到了26年以来的最低点。
- In early 2009 , japanese stocks fell to a 26-year closing low .
- 帕累托罗宾斯的一致同意原则征服了经济学并几乎完全清算了老的庇古主义的福利经济学。
- The pareto-robbins unanimity rule conquered economics and liquidated the old pigovian welfare economics almost completely .
- 衰败中的本土银行应该被更强大的本土银行所兼并,或者在找不到这样的买家的情况下实行清算。
- Failing local banks should be acquired by stronger local banks or liquidated if no such purchaser can be found .
- 通用汽车已警告说,如果在年底前找不到买家,萨博将进入破产清算程序。
- Gm has warned that saab will be liquidated if a buyer is not found by the end of the year .