- 新颁布的碳氢化合物法不再征收暴利税,非但使得生产商大为恼火,而且目前对于耽搁众多项目的一系列条条框框根本无所作为。
- A new hydrocarbons law has removed a windfall tax that has annoyed producers intensely but has done nothing so far to unpick a tangle of red tape that has delayed a host of projects .
- 本周三,这场野火已经烧毁了数十栋房屋,消防队员在于野火的斗争中遇到了一系列的响尾蛇,倒塌的电线和易燃丙烷储罐。
- Firefighters encountered a tangle of rattlesnakes , downed power lines and combustible propane tanks wednesday as they struggled to get an upper hand on a wildfire that has destroyed dozens of homes .
- 由于没有一个像美联储那样既有权威又有资源的组织,测试要由各方一同进行纷繁复杂的国家监管者:欧洲委员会、欧洲中央银行以及名为欧洲银行监管委员会的半官方机构。
- Lacking a single body with the authority and resources of the fed , the tests are being run by a tangle of national regulators , the european commission , the european central bank and a quango called the committee of european banking supervisors .