- 外国人已持有美国国家债务的一半。
- Foreigners already hold half the national debt .
- 把它举在你朋友的头顶上面。
- Hold it over your friend 's head .
- 但是我找不到一把称手的刀。
- But I can 't find a knife I like to hold .
- 阿萨德的控制力愈显疲弱。
- Mr assad 's grip looks increasingly weak .
- 波音和空客或许要失去其对市场牢牢的控制。
- Boeing and airbus could lose their tight grip .
- 我不知道为什么上帝不把凯利从山的冰冷的禁锢中解救出来。
- I don 't know why god did not rescue kelly from the cold grip of the mountain .
- 在价格机制方面,包括对出口退税政策的把握问题。
- Price mechanism contains the grasp of export rebates policy .
- 举一个大部分人都能理解的定律做例供给和需求。
- Take one law that most people can grasp supply and demand .
- 我认为我们仅是在最近开始抓住了它相关的蕴含。
- I think we have all only begun to grasp its implications relatively recently .
- 从来源与演变看“裹足”的释义
- The source and evolution of the phrase " guo zu "
- 这种对博士学位的奇怪爱慕有助于解释为何德国国防部长古藤伯格(karl-theodorzuguttenberg)因博士论文部分抄袭他人,最终于3月1日下台。
- This strange love of doctorates helps explain why germany 's defence minister , karl-theodor zu guttenberg , copied parts of his phd thesis from others , leading ultimately to his resignation on march 1st .
- 龙凤和神话形象有着祖源和血裔关系。
- Long feng and fable form are having zu yuan and hematic descendants concern .