- 有较强的社会适应能力,善于和他人沟通,能够吃苦耐劳,有进取精神并愿意接受任何挑战。
- Have stronger society acclimatization , be good at communicating with others , being able to be able to bear hardship and stand hard work , having gumption and being ready to accept any challenge .
- 那时候我觉得自己既没有这方面的天赋,有没有该职业的熏陶,可以在写作方面有所成就。
- At the time , I felt I had neither the talent , nor the work ethic , to really be good at it .
- 该书的主旨在于,现有的企业应该仔细地审视并且随时准备投资于各种形式的社会企业活动,这将有助于在意想不到的地方侦测到获利的机遇,而不仅仅限于所谓“金字塔底层”的穷苦消费者。
- The gist of the book is that established businesses should carefully watch-and be ready to invest in-various forms of social entrepreneurship , which tend to be good at spotting profitable opportunities in unlikely places , not least amongst poorer consumers at the so-called " bottom of the pyramid " .