- 剧情提要:迈克尔对萨拉和自由是望眼欲穿。但林肯给迈克尔带来了坏消息。苏克雷继续帮助着迈克尔和林肯。
- Synopsis : michael longs for sara and freedom . Lincoln brings michael bad news sucre continues to help michael and lincoln .
- 代表团说下午分发的是一份包括以往提交的详细提案的简明大纲。
- The delegation observed that what had been circulated that afternoon was a concise , specific synopsis of proposals that had been previously submitted in detail .
- 这份提要没有把情节泄露出去。
- The synopsis doesn 't give the plot away .
- 以上观点听起来可能有些抽象。
- Such points might sound abstract .
- shape是一个抽象类。
- Shape is an abstract class .
- 但“p与np”问题不仅仅是个抽象的数学难题而已。
- But " p versus np " is more than just an abstract mathematical puzzle .
- 研究阴谋论的学者们试图不公开研究成果而只是互相讨论:前一部分只是重点和概括的原因,第二个则是简短的摘录。
- Scholars studying them try to discuss them without propagating their contents : asterisks and dashes in the first case and short extracts in the second .
- 另外一个应用就是与虚拟供应商互动的信息亭,作为自动摘录用户的性别等信息的设备,可以促进互动。
- Another application is interactive kiosks with a virtual vendor , as the device automatically extracts information about the user , such as the person 's gender , to improve interaction .
- 他的小组从化石中提取基因物质并进行排列,他们现在已经得到猛犸象和尼安德特人的dna分析报告。
- His group extracts and sequences genetic material from fossils , and has produced dna analyses of both mammoths and neanderthal man .