- 没有影响力的知识是无用的。
- Knowledge without impact is of no use .
- 以及你对社会有什么影响?
- How does it impact your community ?
- 整个行业都会感受到它的冲击。
- Its impact will be felt through the industry .
- 网络的发展给原有的社会结构带来了巨大的冲击,主要体现在社会的个人化和全球化趋势上。
- Development of network has brought about gigantic impingement for original social structure , which mainly shows on the individual-socialization and globalization trend .
- 随着信息网络技术的迅猛发展和在社会生活中的广泛应用,国家主权遭受到前所未有的冲击。
- With the rapid development of information network technology and its wide application in social life , national sovereignty has suffered unprecedented impingement .
- 穴蚀及冲蚀相关术语定义
- " Definition of terms relating to erosion by cavitation and impingement "
- 现在又出现了第三种冲击。
- Now comes a third shock .
- 这些观点再也引不起震惊。
- These views no longer cause shock .
- 然而鼠疫已经给社会带来了巨大冲击。
- Yet the social shock had been great .
- 我一般会先敲下门。
- I always knock first .
- 仅仅因为感觉到住房价格太活跃,我们是不是就准备彻底打跨这个行业呢?
- Would we be prepared to knock industry for six simply because we felt that house prices were getting a bit too sporty ?
- 这名智利密探听到桑托斯的话时,她想弄明白他说的“用大棒打”是什么意思。
- As the chilean agent listened to santos she wondered what he had meant by " knock over a big stick . "