- 恐慌的消费者、企业和市场将进一步紧缩开支,加速经济下滑。
- Fearful consumers , businesses and markets will retrench further , causing economic decline to accelerate .
- 家庭由于失业的增加和对可能失业的恐惧而将紧缩开支。
- Households will retrench as unemployment rises and those with jobs fear they may lose them .
- 往往在衰退时紧缩业务的华尔街公司已经处于排名的末尾。
- Wall street firms , which often retrench in downturns , have been nudged down the rankings .
- 我能保管这一天吗?
- Can I keep ts for a day ?
- 看上去你还活在自己的世界里。
- Ts you 're in our world now .
- 社区体育服务过程实际上是增强居民的参与意识、培养居民的社区责任心。
- I ts function is to strengthen the consciousness of participate of residents and train their sense of responsibility .