- 眼泪顺着他们脸颊淌了下来。
- A tear fell upon their cheeks .
- 很多时候,如何治疗还取决于撕裂的大小和部位。
- Much also depends on the size and location of the tear .
- 那边他们是在你的眼泪中跳舞。
- There they 're dancing in your tear .
- 除了现今存放的教科书覆盖的范围广泛的主题和教育水平之外,他说,其道德标准来自数字音乐世界,如撕裂,烧伤和土豆泥。
- In addition to being a repository for textbooks covering a wide range of subjects and educational levels , its ethic is taken from the digital music world , he said - rip , burn and mash .
- 国家安全运输委员会和联邦航空管理局正在调查是什么导致了机身在36000尺的高空撕裂。
- The national transportation safety board and the federal aviation administration are investigating what caused the fuselage to rip open at 36000 feet .
- 然而,紧跟着发生的媒体风暴,大部分并不是报道switzer的大胆演出,而是官方人员jocksemple的倒霉和绝望,他试图让switzer停下来,扯下她的号码布并将其强行驱逐出场。
- The ensuing media storm , however , was less about switzer 's bold stunt than about the hapless desperation of official jock semple , who attempted to run switzer down , rip off her numbers and forcibly remove her from the race .