- 以这个收入你能支撑起一个家庭吗?
- Can you support a family on that income ?
- 邻近单位应当给予支援。
- Neighboring units shall provide support .
- 克林顿承诺美国将继续提供支援。
- Clinton pledged continued u.s. support .
- 我一直说“控制节奏的发展,调整,然后维持”。
- I always say , " establish what 's going on , adjust , and maintain . "
- 还是说你打算保持较小的规模,但维持不错的利润?
- Do you plan to run this as a smaller business but maintain healthy profits ?
- 他认为,只有这样才能维持广泛的品牌忠诚度。
- This , he believes , is how to maintain widespread brand loyalty .
- 这将有助于降低失业率并为通胀提供支撑。
- That would pull down unemployment and prop up inflation .
- 亚洲正在支撑起崩溃的西方经济,这也是不可能的。
- Nor is asia set to prop up the shattered western economy .
- 他需要美国及国际货币基金组织的现金来支撑一个摇摇欲坠的经济。
- He needs american and imf cash to prop up a failing economy .
- 很多日本人努力保持平等待人的形象。
- Many japanese strive to keep up egalitarian appearances .
- 话虽如此,但他似乎无法这种保持冷静的行为。
- Magritte could not keep up this phlegmatic act however .
- 随着离岸外包环境的变化,出口巨擘能继续保持领先优势吗?
- As the offshoring landscape changes can the former leader keep up ?