- 用黑板漆涂上一些赤土色的斑点,便于贴标签。
- Paint some terracotta pots with chalkboard paint for easy labeling .
- 法国大使馆被淋上黑色的油漆。
- Black paint splattered the french mission .
- 而那些钉子也隐藏在油漆下面。
- And those nails are well hidden with paint .
- 本文给出用矩阵的行初等变换求两个多项式最大公因式的方法。
- In this paper the author gives a new method to solve the greatest common formula of two multinomials elementary transformation of raws of the matrix .
- 本文从培养的基本目标定位入手,在分析财会人才的运用经济法规、会计业务处理、财务管理、审计等四个方面的能力要求的基础上,提出相应的培养途径。
- The author puts forward the corresponding cultivating method , starting with the basic object orientation , analyzing four aspects of the ability requirement , such as the application of economic raws and regularities , the handling of accounting affairs , the management of finance and audit .