- 几乎将她暴打致死。
- Villagers beat her almost to death .
- 我们击败其他的公司了吗?
- Did we beat other companies ?
- 现在必须击败的人是佩罗。
- Now perot was the man to beat .
- 下图均来自那场战斗。
- Below are images from that fight .
- 这是一场非常重要的战斗。
- It 's a hugely important fight .
- 这场斗争能持续数年。
- The fight could last years .
- 随着他摆好姿势举起大约340万美元的巨大支票板,镁光灯一片闪烁。
- Flashes pulsate as he poses with a giant cardboard check for around $ 3.4 million .
- 恒星高温的核心坍缩,并开始有规律的振动,最终气体外层迸散,为行星星云的形成提供了有利条件。
- The hot core collapses and begins to pulsate , eventually shedding its outer layers of gas to set the stage for the birth of a planetary nebula .
- 此外,它将记录任何变化的情况,包括星体脉动、星体爆炸、具有潜在危险的近地小行星以及移动的、或许还有非正常明亮或昏暗的凯伯带星体。
- Among other things , it will note anything that changes , including stars that pulsate , stars that explode , potentially dangerous near-earth asteroids - and kuiper belt objects that move and , maybe , brighten or dim in unexpected ways .
- 也许只是心中的一个小小的悸动。
- Maybe just a little throb .
- 我的头开始搏动。
- My head started to throb .
- 我能感觉到自己开始痛和悸动在我的小腹。
- I could feel myself starting to ache and throb in my lower abdomen .
- 企业还在为此努力奋斗。
- Companies still struggle with this .
- 德国人一直努力去创办公司。
- Germans struggle to create companies .
- 我们都不得不因不自信而挣扎。
- We all have to struggle against self-doubt .