- 当我出于焦虑的时候,我曾不吃镇定药。
- I never have caffeine when I 'm anxious .
- 急于争夺市场份额的各大航空公司的机票定价远低于成本。
- Anxious to chase market share , the airlines priced tickets well below cost .
- 着急于修复他们破损安全网的银行在发放新贷款时已经变得更加小心翼翼。
- Banks anxious to repair their frayed safety nets have become more wary of making new loans .
- 他们不必有此忧虑。
- They need not have worried .
- 如今,基辛格感到很忧虑。
- Today mr kissinger is worried .
- 担心黄金价格已达到顶点?
- Worried gold has topped out ?
- 如果天来寻找你们,启示了你们令人心碎的处境,并且要通过你们来建立起连结,你们要采取什态度呢?
- If heaven came looking for you , communicated the heartrending situation and asked to make connections through you , what kind of attitude would you take ?
- 一个使人悲痛的损失;痛哭;她的叹息令人心碎;罗宾的孙女令人心碎的话语。
- A grievous loss ; a grievous cry ; her sigh was heartbreaking ; the heartrending words of rabin 's granddaughter .
- 伊莎贝尔的叹息声令人心碎。
- Isabel 's sigh was heartrending .