- 此外,我还要提到卡罗尔•汤姆。
- I 'd have to give an honorable mention to carol tom é too .
- 你提到了“愚蠢资本”。
- You mention " dumb money . "
- 难道我忘提什么了?
- Did I forget to mention something ?
- 这还会增加保护主义的呼声。
- And it will raise calls for protectionism .
- 这宗上市未额外筹集资金。
- The listing did not raise additional capital .
- 最简单的方法是提高产品价格。
- The simplest is to raise prices .
- 歌词和比喻谈到了过度捕捞、滥伐树木和烟雾。
- The lyrics and imagery speak of over-fishing deforestation and smog .
- 有些以色列政客说到了另一个目标:向普通巴勒斯坦人证明哈马斯是和平与繁荣的障碍。
- Some israeli politicians speak of another objective : to show ordinary palestinians that hamas is the obstacle to peace and prosperity .
- 在这个层面上,我们只能谈及与空间有联系的定点。
- We can speak of locations only relative to a space in this sense .
- 心脏病可就没有引起这么大的关注了。
- Heart disease does not arouse the same passion .
- 但是,在互联网盛行的今天,掩盖事实会激起民众的怀疑并产生相反的结果。
- But in the age of the internet , coverups arouse instant suspicion and are counter-productive .
- 有很多方法可以激起一个女性的兴奋,不过毫无疑问从心理上让她性奋同时也会让她生理上性奋。
- There are many ways to arouse a woman , but there 's no doubt that arousing her mind will get her body going .