- 当时负责带领那支装甲车队的陆军上尉索罗维金(sergeisurovikin)被允许免于为地下通道发生的死伤事件承担责任,他目前已是中将军衔。
- Sergei surovikin , the captain who led the armored column , was absolved of the deaths in the underpass and now holds the rank of lieutenant general .
- 但是我保证,只要卡尔-海因茨-鲁梅尼格和我还在拜仁管事,洛塔尔连球场管理员都当不上--拜仁慕尼黑队经理乌利-赫内斯如是回应前队长洛塔尔-马特乌斯的批评。
- But I promise , as long as karl-heinz rummenigge and I have some responsibility at bayern , lothar will not even become the groundsman fc bayern munchen general manager uli hoeness responds to criticism from the club 's former captain lothar matthus .
- 当时负责带领那支装甲车队的陆军上尉索罗维金(sergeisurovikin)被允许免于为地下通道发生的死伤事件承担责任,他目前已是中将军衔。
- Sergei surovikin , the captain who led the armored column , was absolved of the deaths in the underpass and now holds the rank of lieutenant general .