- 你会将这本杂志扔到废纸篓里去。
- You would throw the magazine in the wastebasket .
- 要想能感觉到在你的代码中哪个位置进行抛错比较合适,这需要一些时间。
- It takes time to feel out where the appropriate parts of your code should throw errors .
- 我的几个儿子爱扔东西。
- My boys love to throw things .
- 每一层是像一盏灯投到上一层。
- A layer mask is like a light cast onto a layer .
- 这位女士说道idf战斗机在铸铅运动中导致的破坏。
- The woman explained that the idf caused the damage in operation cast lead .
- 就连我们用来讨论铸铅行动的词语都是错误的,利维指出。
- Even the terms we use to discuss operation cast lead are wrong , levy argues .
- 过去三年中,西方世界向银行系统砸了很多钱,所以现在银行扔回来一些也算是个不错的改变。
- Given the amount of money the western world has flung at its banks over the past three years , it makes a nice change when the banks fling some back .
- 当他武装的豪车驶过贫穷的非洲国家,他会从窗口给追赶着车队的孩子们扔钱和糖果,不过他不想太过接近这些孩子,怕传染疾病。
- When we drove around poor african countries he would fling money and candy out the widow of his armored limousine to children who ran after our motorcade ; he didn 't want them close for fear of catching diseases from them .
- 将它们从一座山抛向另一座山。
- Fling them from hill to hill .
- 把产品画册,垃圾邮件,读书俱乐部的通知扔到垃圾桶里去。
- Toss catalogs , junk mail , and book club notices in the trash .
- 无疑,这很疯狂,而且cern不应该也不会把自己的投资押一个抛硬币的行为上。
- Sure , it 's crazy , and cern should not and is not about to mortgage its investment to a coin toss .
- 你有理由怀疑从这项研究中得能出什么结论,即便莱维特和李斯特确实吸引到了足够多的人参与抛硬币并按照所得结果行事。
- You might reasonably wonder what could be learnt , even if levitt and list do get enough people to toss the coin and follow through .
- 浏览这25位入围企业家的幻灯片,在10月21日前投票选出你的最爱。
- Flip through this slide show of our 25 finalists and vote for your favorite by oct. 21 .
- 当一个消费者浏览一本服装产品目录的时候,他们都不想看到仅仅只是描述衣服颜色的评论。
- When consumers flip through a clothing store catalog , they usually won 't find bare-bones descriptions that stop at the color of the garment .
- 浏览一些你喜欢的家庭杂志,以激励你去清理杂物。
- Flip through some home magazines you enjoy to motivate you to clean up the clutter .