- 让他们惊诧的是,破坏神殿的人得到允许,在48小时之中,掠夺并夷平这个地方,内政部及其下属的警方显然没有动一动手指去阻止他们。
- What astonished them was that the destroyers of the shrine were allowed , over a period of 48 hours , to pillage and bulldoze the site without the ministry of interior or its police apparently lifting a finger to stop them .
- 当然,现实情况是,美国人用枪支武器谋杀和掠夺印第安人,逼迫他们离开自己的土地和家园。
- The reality , of course , was that the americans used their guns to murder and pillage the native americans and drive them from the land .
- 但是,打盹没有使你变成一个懒惰的员工,它也没有影响你的生产力。
- But napping doesn 't make you a lazy worker , and it doesn 't pillage your productivity .
- 比亚也许正在考虑把他掠夺来的预计2亿美元的战利品藏到何处。
- Now biya may be pondering where to hide his estimated $ 200 million in loot .
- 在虚拟空间抓抢劫犯不是易事,但抢夺回战利品还是可能的。
- Catching the robbers in cyberspace is not as easy , but snatching the loot is possible .
- 理财经理和个人理财顾问们会不断地打电话过来,渴望打理你的“战利品”。
- Wealth managers and private bankers will call incessantly , hungry to look after your loot .